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Four Ways Construction Firms in the U.K. Can Hire More People

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The construction industry in the United Kingdom is a booming sector with great potential for growth. According to recent reports, the industry is worth around 370 billion pounds. There are many reasons for this growth, including the country’s strong economy, aging population, and the increasing demand for housing.

Despite the growth of the construction industry, there are some challenges that companies face. One of these is the availability of skilled workers. The number of people entering the construction workforce is declining, leading to a shortage of qualified workers. In addition, Brexit could impact the industry, leading to higher costs and stricter regulations.

Here’s how construction firms can deal with that.

Efficient Testing

At the core of recruitment is testing. It’s responsible for identifying the most suitable individuals with the specific skills required for each role. Traditionally, paper-based testing has been used in construction to assess various abilities, such as verbal and numerical reasoning and mechanical and practical aptitude. However, this method no longer fits in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Paper-based testing is time-consuming, expensive, and difficult to administer effectively. It also doesn’t provide insight into a candidate’s suitability for a specific job. In contrast, online testing is a more efficient way to assess candidates.

It’s essential to choose an online testing platform that offers a comprehensive range of tests specifically designed for the construction industry. Additionally, you must know about theĀ  the CSCS exam, which is crucial for those working in construction. It covers the health and safety knowledge required to work on construction sites. The government even needs it for anyone working in construction.

Other forms of tests should include aptitude, attitude, and personality. Aptitude tests measure an individual’s ability to learn new skills and solve problems, providing valuable information about a candidate’s potential for success in a specific role. Attitude tests assess an individual’s approach to work, such as their motivation and level of commitment. Finally, personality tests help identify a person’s character traits, such as whether they’re introverted or extroverted.

International applicants waiting for their chance to get interviewed

Seek Online Applicants

In the past, construction firms typically advertised vacancies in local newspapers or job boards. However, this approach is no longer practical as most people now search for jobs online.

It’s essential to advertise vacancies on online job boards and social media platforms to reach the most expansive pool of candidates. Job boards such as Indeed and Monster are popular among job seekers. They offer a range of features that make it easy for candidates to find and apply for jobs.

Social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook are also helpful in recruiting workers. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for finding qualified candidates as it allows you to search for people with specific skills and experience. Facebook is valid for reaching a wider audience as it has over 2 billion active users.

You can also use social media to create a positive company image. It will make it more attractive to potential employees.

Develop an Employee Referral Program

An employee referral program is a great way to find qualified workers. It involves encouraging current employees to refer friends and family members who they think would be suitable for a vacant position.

Studies have shown that referred candidates are more likely to be hired and stay with a company for longer. They’re also more likely to be a better fit for the company, as they’ve been recommended by someone who knows the business well.

You can offer incentives such as cash bonuses or free days off to make your employee referral program more effective. You can also make it easier for employees to refer candidates by setting up an online form or providing a dedicated email address.

Use Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment agencies can be a valuable resource in your quest to find workers. They have access to a pool of candidates and can quickly identify the most suitable individuals for each role.

When choosing a recruitment agency, selecting one specializing in the construction industry is crucial. This will ensure they have a good understanding of the specific skills and experience required for each role.

It’s also worth checking that the agency is registered with relevant professional bodies, such as the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) or the British Association of Staffing Companies (BASC). This will give you peace of mind that they adhere to strict ethical standards.

Lastly, you should choose recruitment agencies that can hire internationally. Your company might want to hire qualified workers from other countries to fill specific roles in your firm if there aren’t enough workers in the country.

Construction firms are struggling to find workers in the U.K. With a few simple changes indicated above, they can reach a wider pool of candidates and hire the people they need.

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