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6 Technologies That Help Businesses Go Paperless

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One of the longest-standing concerns in the business world is reducing operational waste. Luckily, digital technology has evolved rapidly enough that there are many solutions that can help businesses go partially or completely paperless.

Environmental conservation is just one crucial goal that paperless technology accomplishes. Apart from that, businesses can also reduce their overhead expenses by replacing paper systems with digital solutions. These digital solutions eliminate the need for physical file storage, freeing up much-needed space in the workplace.

Other than that, storing data in digital systems offers a higher level of security than using physical files, which is especially important for businesses that handle sensitive client information.

So, what are these digital solutions that can help your business go paperless? Read on.

1. Digital check-in systems

Digital check-in systems eliminate the hassle of having customers check-in manually through pen and paper systems. In fact, a digital check-in system is one of the most important tools used in many business establishments, including those that have modern indoor shooting range equipment. It makes it easier for clients to check in, sign waiver forms, and upload whatever legal documentation they need to have in order to access weapons.

Aside from shooting ranges that require customers to sign waivers, digital check-in systems are also extremely useful for hospitals, private practices, hotels, and other establishments that need customers to sign in while protecting their private information as well. Since no one else can access data on the system aside from the management, customers can rest assured that no one can illegally lift their data unlike with pen and paper systems.

2. Digital receipts

Receipts make up for 686 million pounds of waste in the U.S. every year, and they are not even ultimately necessary in the purchase process. These are two of the main reasons why tech companies have come up with digital receipt systems. With this type of tech solution in place, businesses can cut environmental waste and reduce their overhead expenses at the same time.

Furthermore, digital receipts make the customer experience more convenient. With a copy of their receipt sent through their email, customers can return items and track their expenses much easier without having to worry about losing the physical receipt. Aside from that, sending digital receipts through email can also provide a marketing opportunity for businesses, allowing them to send promotions alongside digital receipts.

3. Scanners

Scanners are nothing new, but for businesses who want to reduce their paper waste as much as possible, scanners should take precedence over photocopiers. By using a scanner to convert files into digital copies, employees can store files on their computers without having to add to unnecessary paper usage. For files that contain sensitive information, converting them into digital files and shredding the physical ones can make data more secure.

4. Cloud storage

Like scanning technology, cloud storage is very commonplace across almost all types of businesses. With this type of technology, businesses can keep all of their data in one place, segment it into appropriate partitions, and allow access to authorized personnel only to keep information safe. This eliminates the need to print files to share them with other employees and to send files through unsecured channels like emails or messaging apps. Furthermore, this helps increase workplace efficiency by allowing employees to access whatever files they need instead of waiting for someone else to send information to them.

Another crucial benefit that cloud storage provides is data backup. Most cloud storage systems offer a feature that backs up data on a regular basis, thus helping safeguard business data in case of a breach or network failure.

5. Electronic billing and invoicing

Aside from receipts, a significant part of any business’ paper waste is made up of billing documents and invoices. The best alternative to these physical documents is an electronic billing and invoicing system that will not only make the billing process easier but will also help keep financial documents secure. And since clients and vendors won’t need to process physical documents, making payments becomes much more convenient.

6. Electronic signatures

eSignatures are legally accepted in most countries, and they make document processing so much easier. The pandemic has also pronounced the value of this technology by helping deals continue despite people not being able to meet to sign contracts. Moreover, using electronic signatures instead of sending contracts in the mail is a significantly safer practice.

Digital technology is continuing to develop as we speak, and we can only expect business processes to become much more convenient, efficient, and secure in the future. For now, use these technologies for your business to finally go paperless and maximize every benefit of the shift.

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