data analytics

Boosting Operational Efficiency With New Technologies in Healthcare Businesses

Heather PineFeb 26, 20235 min read

• Electronic Health Records (EHRs) provide easy access to patient histories, reducing paperwork and increasing the accuracy of records. • Medical device tracking systems allow healthcare businesses to easily track medical devices for maintenance and servicing. • Data analytics tools enable the analysis of data from various sources to identify trends or areas of improvement within an organization. • Form automation software streamlines complex processes such as billing and patient…

a female pharmacist stocking shelves

Sustainable Pharmaceutical Business: Best Practices

Heather PineJan 5, 20235 min read

The pharmaceutical industry is growing at a rapid pace. As the world becomes more health conscious, the demand for pharmaceuticals increases. In fact, the industry has reached a total of $1.42 trillion in revenue in 2021 alone. However, with this…

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