hvac maintenance

HVAC Maintenance: a Checklist for Keeping Your Air-conditioning Units Up and Running

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Air-conditioning units are amongst the most used appliances in every Australian home. While these mechanical systems take a beating from daily use, they don’t usually receive the care they deserve unless they stop functioning completely due to irreparable damage.

As the owner, you are responsible for carrying out a routine check-up on your A/C system. Make it a habit to inspect every part of your unit, from the air filters to the air conditioner condensate pump. Here’s a checklist you can use for your periodic maintenance call:

Check the Wiring and System Controls

You want to begin with the visible parts, including the electrical connections and system controls. This is the easiest way to check if your unit is working correctly and operating safely. When neglected, these components can increase operational costs and reduce the overall efficiency of your appliance.

Run a System Test

Simply turning on and switching off your system will do the trick. If you hear unusual noises or smell strange odors, call your trusted technician right away.

Inspect the Condensate Pan

Always check if your condensate drain pan is clean and bright. A clogged drain line can cause water leaks in your home and can invite mold and bacteria to grow around the system. If you’ve checked the drain line and there is still an overflow of stagnant water, call your HVAC contractor to see if the pump is working correctly. The technician might suggest replacing your condensate pump if the problem keeps occurring.

Clean the Outdoor Condenser Unit

As with the condensate drains, the outdoor condenser unit must be free from clogs and debris to function efficiently. Remove all the twigs, leaves, and other elements to allow proper airflow.

Change the Air Filters

A clogged filter can restrict air from flowing to your system. When this happens, the motor will keep running without producing any results. Make sure you’re not wasting energy and money by routinely inspecting and cleaning or replacing your air filters. Changing the filters must be done at least every 30 to 90 days to extend the compressor’s life.


Check the Refrigerant Levels

Too much or too little refrigerant can affect the efficiency of the compressor and reduce the lifespan of the entire system. Monitor the operating pressures of your unit, charge the refrigerants if necessary, and fix refrigerant leaks immediately.

Lubricate the Moving Parts

Lubrication is necessary to keep motors, compressors, and bearings running and moving effectively.  If you don’t want your unit’s system parts to break down quickly, make sure to do this step periodically.

Schedule an Intensive Inspection

Damaged or not, your air conditioner must be inspected by a professional technician at least once a year. This way, you can keep your cooling unit running efficiently and avoid costly repairs in the future.

Neglecting routine maintenance can lead to higher utility costs and expensive repairs. While the rule of the thumb is to have your HVAC systems checked by technicians at least once a year, it’s a good practice to check your unit to maximize its efficiency. If you want to lower your utility bills and increase the lifespan of your unit, give your air conditioner a quick tune-up periodically.

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