Cleaning Lady

Entering the Commercial Cleaning Industry This 2019? Take Note of These Trends

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Commercial cleaning is a dynamic industry. If you’re going to enter this sector by running a commercial cleaning and property maintenance franchise, you need to stay up to date with the cleaning trends. Learn what’s in store and what to expect this 2019, so you’ll have the edge over your competitors.

Growth in the Cleaning Industry

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that the cleaning industry will outpace the other industries. While the average job growth in various industries is seven percent from 2016 to 2026, the job supply in the cleaning industry is set to grow by 10 percent in the same period 2026. Additionally, the Freedonia Group, a leading international business research firm, predicted that total revenue for commercial cleaners in the U.S. would hit a whopping $65 billion in 2019.

Based on the current predictions, 2019 is looking to be a fantastic year for businesses in the commercial cleaning sector. They can look forward to excellent revenues and continued job growth.

Smart Cleaning Devices

Cleaning Service

The commercial cleaning industry isn’t the only thing that’s growing. The technology used in commercial cleaning is also enjoying growth. Similar to other sectors in the United States, autonomous machines are starting to become popular.

Take Avidbots as an example. This autonomous cleaning robot manufacturer from Canada entered the commercial cleaning industry back in 2014. The company’s latest robot floor cleaner, Neo, has begun to make a splash in the cleaning sector. These autonomous machines can produce color-coded reports along with other important metrics, such as water usage.  Additionally, they have various sensors that enable them to traverse floor layouts effectively and safely while delivering a deep clean.

Besides robots, the Internet of Things (IoT) has stepped into the commercial cleaning spotlight with its internet-connected floor scrubbers, soap dispensers, and washing machines. As more of the sector becomes connected, business owners and workers may likely worry that the whole industry would be autonomous. The new technology, however, can enhance the employee and customer experience.

Robots, for instance, can take up the tedious workload of hygienists. These human workers can do more value-added work like specialized deep cleaning. On top of that, new technology could enable business owners to explore and expand into other services.

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t fear new technology coming in this year. Instead, you should accept the latest developments with open arms, as they bring great opportunities for the commercial cleaning industry.

Secure Cleaning

The previous year was the year of security. Many industries expressed concern with security in 2018, and commercial cleaners were no exception.

This year, secure cleaning as a specialty offering will continue to rise in popularity. Secure cleaning means your cleaners have gone through extensive background checks and been training in handling confidential information. Keeping secure cleaning in mind is important, as business owners who request for commercial cleaning want to know that their sensitive or confidential information is in safe hands.

These are the trends you need to watch out for in 2019. Make the decision to start your year off right by applying these trends to your business.

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