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How to Start a Commercial Cleaning Company on a Budget

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The Commercial Cleaning Services industry in Australia is on an upward trajectory. In the 2018-2019 financial year, the sector is expected to generate about $12 billion in revenue. If you are planning to venture into this industry, then you need to stand out from the rest to have an ample share of the market.

Unlike residential cleaning, a commercial cleaning business can be quite tough to start. Many large janitorial companies dominate the cleaning market in retail and industrial premises. You will also need equipment like a commercial floor sweeper or scrubber, which can do an adequate job but comes at a cost. However, with the tips outlined here, you will find it easier to start and run your commercial cleaning business.

Decide on Your Business Model

If you have some knowledge in the cleaning market and you understand what it takes to run a business successfully, then doing it alone is a sensible idea. You can hit the ground running and focus on growing your company with time. However, if you are inexperienced in the cleaning industry and you aren’t sure of the best way to run your company, then consider franchising. With many franchising companies in the cleaning industry, you need to get one that you can work with comfortably.

Have a Budget

Unlike domestic cleaning where the household provides the equipment and detergents on many occasions, you will need a budget upfront when cleaning commercial places. Before launching your commercial cleaning company, list down all the equipment that is required for your cleaning. Some of the things that you should have before you start working on your first project are an equipment trolley, a commercial sweeper, a professional vacuum cleaner, and a van. Depending on your budget, you can buy or hire some of the equipment.

Hire on a Part-time Basis

Professional cleaning service

It is essential to start with smaller spaces that don’t require additional labour, especially if you are on a budget. However, if you need work then go for part-time workers that you can pay on an hourly basis. The average hourly rate for a cleaner is $21.12. Therefore, do your calculations in advance to know how many employees you will be comfortable to work with various projects. Besides, you won’t have to spend on employee benefits when hiring part-time.

Just like any other business, if you are venturing into the cleaning industry, there are some regulations you’ll need to keep in mind. There are also health and safety regulations that must be followed. Making sure that you have the right documentation and contracts in place should be top of your list.

Running your own business is only a dream until you take the crucial step of launching one. Understand the benefits you will get, your expenses, and the expertise needed to run your business successfully. There are many people or companies you can work with for consultations about various aspects of your business such as financial management. Besides, check for incentives offered to new businesses and take advantage of them.

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